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Integrity & Excellence

A Team of Helping People

About Us

A team that shares the same values and is built on 'Help People'.

Lisa and Liza were similarly drawn to JB Goodwin Realtors because of their company motto of helping people. They prioritize client happiness, and strive to provide the best experience for everyone involved. Their top notch knowledge of the local housing market partnered with their skills in marketing and communication allow them to provide each client with a personalized and effective buying, selling, or leasing strategy.


Above all, Lisa and Liza understand that selling and buying a home is more than about a bottom line.


They know that finding the right home, in the right neighborhood is no easy task but are set on helping you find your perfect place.


Liza: 512.577.6438   |


Lisa: 801.616.2344   |

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Meet The Team

Home selling is a complicated business and we realize that a great team makes all the difference for our sellers. We know it takes more than one individual to successfully market, sell and close a complicated real estate transaction in 2019. We have put together a team of reliable and trustworthy experts to make your home selling process seamless. 


Shannon Dugan

Inspire Redesign

Our stager can increase your home's value through staging by as much as 10%.

Bright and Modern Kitchen

Virtuance Tour

Professional Photographers

Virtuance photographers are fast and excellent, and have an easy to navigate virtual tour system. 


Skydrone ATX


Custom video of your home and your neighborhood to attract buyers through exceptional imagery.

About JB Goodwin Realtors

Since 1972, our fantastic team of highly trained professionals has been the #1 home team in the Austin real estate market, founded on our unique "Help People" philosophy. We host more open houses than any other Central Texas real estate broker, delivering the finest services to help you find the perfect home. 

At JB Goodwin, we are inspired by the company’s motto of "Help People." We approach each client situation with the utmost care and respect, asking, "What if this buyer were my parent, grandparent, or friend? What kind of experience would I want them to have?" By asking this simple question, we are able to give the highest level of service, simply by enacting the "Golden Rule" in each unique situation.


"Help People" isn’t just a couple of words; it’s a way of life. We follow three rules, which we guarantee our team will deliver to every one of our clients.


We promise to:

  • Be on time

  • Do what we say

  • Finish what we start

It’s no coincidence that JB Goodwin REALTORS® is the LEAST LITIGATED MID TO LARGE SIZED BROKERAGE IN TEXAS. And that is a lot of land! We have been the #1 home team in the Austin real estate market since 1972, thanks largely to this defining Help People philosophy


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